Cab and Dan Berry chat about graphic design's role in comics, having a guide and making new comics from old characters.

Cab is Cabtastic on social media.

Consider supporting Cab on patreon, and while you are in a considerative mood, consider supporting this show on patreon too!
Direct download: 240_makethentell_Cab.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:08am UTC

Kristen Haas Curtis and Dan Berry talk about Chaucer, chickens, adaptations that go beyond storytelling and growing new brains.

You can read Kristen's adaptation of Chaucer's The Nun's Priest's Tale here, and ongoing thesis work Repainting The Lion here.

Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode!

Direct download: 239_Kristen_Haas_Curtis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:16am UTC

Luke Healy and Dan Berry chat about their differing levels of prep and saving time and effort, standup comedy and why they do the things that they do.

Luke's book The Con Artists is out soon and available for preorder now.

Also check out Luke's podcast Waking Kitchen Nightmares.

The improv show we mentioned that Luke was in rehersals for is Sliding Lives, check it out!

Direct download: 238_Luke_Healy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am UTC

Jeremy Sorese and Dan Berry chat about moments of creative change and development, the challenge of teaching and art as a magic trick.

Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

Direct download: 237_Jeremy_Sorese.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am UTC

Boum and Dan Berry talk about the joys of hourly comics, figuring out backgrounds and The Jellyfish.

Check out; Boum's portfolio, Boumeries, buy some books, buy some prints, go to patreon, twitter, instagram & facebook!

Direct download: 236_Boum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am UTC






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